The RCH thanks Pál Sándor as he finishes ten years of exemplary voluntary service as the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the HRCA Foundation. Sándor has been serving with the HRCA almost since its founding in 2006 and has been at the helm of the foundation through many important projects.
It is with deep gratitude that the RCH wishes all the best to Pál Sándor after his ten years of dedicated work with Hungarian Reformed Church Aid (HRCA). His decade of service with the HRCA has been exemplary and his next step will be a continued success. Since 2006, Sándor has been voluntarily serving as the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the HRCA Foundation, overseeing many vital projects and aid missions.
Pál Sándor studied engineering at the Technical University of Budapest (what is now known as the Budapest University of Technology and Economics). After his schooling, Sándor began his business career at Plastiroute Ltd., a traffic engineering company known for its innovation and commitment to the improvement of traffic safety. Sándor is the manager and owner of the company’s Hungarian branch, and it was through his work here that Sándor first came into contact with the HRCA. Over the years, profits from his company were donated to charities supporting individuals with disabilities – programs that the HRCA has a hand in as well.
Already a regular donor to diaconia institutions when the HRCA was established in 2006, the Presidium of the RCH invited Sándor to be on the Board of Trustees – shortly after, he was elected to chair the board.
Pál Sándor likes that the work of the HRCA is carried out by 1,200 congregations, so its efforts are shared among many people. He is also struck by the mentality of the HRCA that they want to find out who is in the most need and then find ways to fill the gaps there with what is needed. Sándor personally spent a lot of time and energy in his voluntary work with HRCA, ready and willing to take several trips beyond the boarder to visit Hungarian Reformed Church (HRC) communities outside of Hungary, especially the ones residing in Subcarpathia/Ukraine.
In 2015, Sándor was awarded with the Pro Urbe Award from the City Council of Beregszász/Berehove. This award is given to people who make special contributions to the development of the city. During the award ceremony, one speaker said about Pál Sándor that, “He did a service during which he could have met a lot of sorrow and problems, but meanwhile he experienced how wonderful it is when someone can give aid at a perfect time to someone in need.” The people of Beregszász emphasize that Sándor knows the problems of Hungarians living in Subcarpathia very well, and they appreciate it. During his time as Chair of the Board of Trustees of the HRCA Foundation, Sándor actively participated in the implementation of the Sub-Carpathian Action Plan, coordinated alongside United Nations programs happening in the area as well. The action plan included raising funds for people in the area, donating fuel to those residing in war stricken areas, and, during the advent seasons, the delivery of hundreds of shoeboxes filled with food and toiletries to the region.
At any one time, the HRCA can have around 25 diaconial programs at work. HRCA accomplishments during Sándor’s time on the Board include the yearly organization of Bridge of Love, a yearly event that brings together people to express their Christian faith through works of love in more than 260 placements, and a quick response to the 2015 refugee crisis, including deliveries of food and supplies to those on the boarders of Hungary and those moving through Budapest. From 2013-2016, HRCA also partnered with Swiss Interchurch Aid (HEKS) on a three year country program to improve disability access and socialization in churches around Hungary.
Many other programs were implemented during Pál Sándor’s time on the board and the RCH is grateful to him for his role in these vital projects. As his time with the HRCA comes to a close, Sándor will be heading back into the business sector – but his generous spirit will continue to influence the HRCA for years to come.
Article by Kearstin Bailey