For the second time in its history, the RCH's Eco-Congregation Program has conducted an eco-congregation contest. This year, eight congregations submitted entries for consideration and the Sopron Lutheran congregation was awarded the 2013 prize.
The award ceremony was held in Budapest at the Klauyal Square Reformed Church on 6 October coinciding with the last day of the Week of Creation, which was celebrated throughout Hungary. The week began with an opening ceremony on 29 September with an ecumenical service organized by the Ecumenical Council of Churches in Hungary that focused on the importance of water.

Rev. Tamás Kodácsy, Head of the Eco-Congregation Program council and university chaplain at Károli Gáspár University, spoke at both events and stated that protecting the created world is our most basic common cause and gave thanks to God that more and more eco-congregations are being born. According to him, the root of today's environmental problems is not technical but spiritual in nature. Industry and machinery may be the instruments for destroying creation, but it is man within a consumer society that is the true cause. For this reason our role and responsibility to the created world is apparent.
The overall purpose of an eco-congregation is to raise awareness of the protection of creation in youth groups, organize trips, eco-camps and forest school programs, as well as reduce the use of disposable plastic at church events and increase the amount of locally produced ingredients with homemade seasonal food items.
This year's award winner is a typical city congregation, but has worked to integrate an eco-point of view into every aspect of its life, including its schools, green spaces and even relationships. In addition to their application, Sopron Lutheran outlined a detailed three-year protection program for its congregation.

The RCH's Eco-Congregation Program is incorporated with a similar program from the RCH's partner, the Church of Scotland, and is widely supported by the Church of Rhineland, which is an agreement with the RCH that is outlined within the church's partnership framework.
Amy Lester
Photos: Boglárka Szűcs