Solidarity Across the Continent

Members of the European Reformed church family send messages of support and reformation to the Hungarian church as the WCRC General Council draws closer. To strengthen the network of Reformed churches in Europe, leaders from denominations in Ireland and Italy, as well as a WCRC representative, gathered to share inspirational words of wisdom with the RCH. 

Reformed churches in Europe have worked hard to build a strong sense of solidarity with one another. Churches have formed bonds that cross boundaries of nationality, politics, and more. As the World Communion of Reformed Churches’ General Council draws closer, the RCH reflects on its partnership with churches in Europe as evidenced by the Reformation Jubilee held in Debrecen, Hungary in January. Approximately forty international guests gathered at the celebration and many of them recorded videos of inspiration to share with the RCH.

Davide Ollearo

Waldensian Evangelical Church

There is a different way of being together. Not one against the other, not one above the other, but all together, sharing the good message of Jesus Christ, our saviour.”


Frank Sellar

Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI)

God has done everything for us in the Lord Jesus. And that is the best light that we could share with anyone, not only 500 years ago but for today as well.”


Bas Plaisier

World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC)

I hope that the Reformatus Church will be a church with a prophetic voice in the society.”


Videos produced by Communication Office of the Transcibiscan Reformed Church District

Article by Kearstin Bailey