Vision statement

How we understand this powerfull expression of the communion we have since the time of the reformation? The fellowship we never gave up? Read the Mission Statement to get an insight!

In the unity of the church the credibility of its witness is strengthened. We share this vision with the worldwide reformed family in its uniting process toward the World Communion of Reformed Churches, with the wider fellowship of the protestant Churches in Europe and with the worldwide Church of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In the year of the 500th Anniversary of the birth of John Calvin, God's prominent servant committed to unity, we will give a sign of hope and encouragement to rebuild the "bond of unity" within the reformed family and beyond.

It is not by chance that the Hungarian Reformed people traditionally laid accent on their fellowship and unity. Yet, in the last centuries we were given the possibility to live out our communion in different measure.

The Hungarian reformed community since the time of the Reformation lived constantly on the territory of different states, in a church law in defined community with those nationalities in the Carpathian Basin became followers of the Reformation. The church bodies which lived in a forced organizational division after the Reformation could establish a united church structure first in 1881, year of the foundation of the structurally united Hungarian Reformed Church. The church unity has been broken again after the First World War when the church just like the country was torn apart and constrained to live in separated church bodies. Yet, the reformed community never gave up unity in faith, witness, service and life. The joining churches will maintain their legal status and registration in their respected countries.

We will give expression to this communion in celebrating our unity and constituting the Hungarian Reformed Church on the 22nd of May. With this symbolic act we would like to encourage others seeking communion in the one body of Christ. The Constituting Synod will be celebration of thanksgiving completed by the Holy Communion.

The strengthening of the unity of the Hungarian reformed fellowship is an important step on a spiritual journey. The constitution, the common synod, the common liturgy and hymnbook, the cooperation in the field of the educations of pastors are new forms of practicing communion. Our cooperation in the field of diaconia and mission will make our service in the society more effective and credible.

After having entered the European Union 5 years ago we believe that the time has come for regional cooperation across national boundaries. Therefore we hope to contribute in a churchlike manner to the reconciliation needed so much in our region.