Pál Huszár, the two-term lay president of the Transdanubian Reformed Church District and the two-term lay president of the Synod of the Reformed Church in Hungary, the former lay president of the Reformed Presbytery of Veszprém, the elder of the Reformed parish of Várpalota, a high school and university teacher, has returned home to his Saviour.
The Synod unanimously elected Bishop József Steinbach, head of the Transdanubian Church Dirstrict, as Ministerial President of RCH. Synod resolution and inaugural address.
On 13 April, the Reformed Church of Káposztámegyer, Budapest, and its surroundings bustled with community life early in the morning. Roma and non-Roma people from all over the country came for the tenth edition of the prayer day. All had come for an exceptional opportunity to give themselves freely to the Word of God, the joy of encounter and their often challenging identity, the Roma culture.
A delegation from the Conference of European Churches travelled to Berehove, Ukraine, to meet with leadership from the Reformed Church in Transcarpathia. The meeting was part of a broader visit with church leaders in several Ukrainian cities in a demonstration of solidarity and uplift dialogue for peace.
We urge those who discuss the internal affairs of the Reformed Church, whether out of competence or incompetently, to do so with the respect and fairness that we owe to a centuries-old ecclesial community
The four bishops of the Reformed Church in Hungary agree to support the nomination of Dániel Pásztor, Bishop of Cistibiscan Church District, for the office of Ministerial President of the Synod, and József Steinbach, Bishop of Transdanubian Church District, for the office of Ministerial Vice-President of the Synod.
Bishop Károly Fekete of the Transtibiscan Reformed Church District preached at the Myungsung Presbyterian Church in Seoul, Korea on Sunday, 3 March 2024, and attended a ceremony for Pastor Kim Sam-Whan’s reception of an honory doctorate from the Debrecen Reformed Theological University.
The Refugee Ministry of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid wrapped up a busy year full of events and activities fostering fellowship within the refugee community. Global Ministries, an international partner of the Reformed Church in Hungary, featured in its winter newsletter a summary of community events in 2023 and upcoming events in 2024.
A delegation of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid donated more than two million forints worth of non-perishable food to the residents of the Good Samaritan Reformed Children's Home in Nagydobrony (Velyka Dobron, Transcarpathia, Ukraine). The products were prepared by the residents of the most disadvantaged villages included in the Catching-Up Settlements programme.
“Reserves are dwindling both spiritually and physically; women left at home are facing more and more tasks, families are torn apart, and peace is still a long way off,” - this is how the Reformed people of Transcarpathia sum up their current situation.
The Diaconia of the Reformed Church in Hungary has become the country's largest afterschool operator after the Directorate-General for Social Inclusion deemed the operation of fourteen Reformed afterschools worthy of support for the next three-year period. The afterschools, which serve local children from typically difficult circumstances, include some that have been in operation for nearly a decade, but two newcomers will start operating in 2024.
Bishop Dániel Pásztor took the role of the acting president of the Synod of RCH and will represent the church together with Lay President János Molnár until the upcoming synod meeting.
Bishop Zoltán Balog resigned as Ministerial President of the Reformed Church in Hungary at an informal meeting of the Synod on 16 February. Until the next Synod meeting, Dániel Pásztor, Bishop of the Cistibiscan Reformed Church District, Ministerial Vice-President of the Synod, will assume the role of acting President.
The Refugee Ministry held a workshop in Budapest on the experience of its international humanitarian programmes and the opportunities for applications now being announced for the third time.
Deans and Lay Presidents of the Presbyteries of the Reformed Church in Hungary Affirm Confidence in the Bishop. Presidential Council Presents Requests to the Bishop.
Almost a thousand people attended the meeting of Reformed pastors from Hungary and Slovakia at the Groupama Arena in Budapest, which was both the closing event of the Year of the Pastoral Profession 2023 and the opening event of the Year of the Living Word 2024.
Thirty-five years ago this year, eight to ten people of faith decided to gather on Monday evenings in a panel apartment on Galopp Street in Kaposztásmegyer (Budapest) for a Bible study. The leader and founder of the small community was Gábor Csere, whose church-building ministry was and is still carried on by the Zámbó couple, András and Hajnalka, with the support of many co-workers. The former home group has now grown into a congregation of several hundred people with a church.
“The participants unanimously admit that the volunteer year made them braver and more creative. The experiences were life-changing and enriching for them,” summarizes Krisztina Csordás, project manager of the Voluntary Diaconal Year Programme Office. This is also a place to visit for people who want to do voluntary work, those who are looking for short-term assignments.