RCH's Statement of Solidarity with the Transylvanian Reformed Church District

The Synod Council of the Reformed Church in Hungary approved the following statement on the court ruling of the  Ploiesti  High Court in regards to Székely Mikó High School in Sepsiszentgyörgy/Sfântu Gheorghe

Statement of Solidarity with the Transylvanian Reformed Church District

“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:26-27) 

The Reformed Church in Hungary is appalled by Romanian Court ruling in regards to Székely Mikó High School in Sepsiszentgyörgy˛/Sfântu Gheorghe, which according to common European legal norms unworthily began an open attack towards one of the religious denominations of its country endangering the legal certainty and harming the church autonomy. According to the church's belief the building of the High School and its local church service is historically and ethically inseparable from the Transylvanian Reformed Church District.

The current court ruling, regarding the alienation of property and the slandering of the members of the committee carrying out the previous legal restitution of properties, and thus revives the memory of the behaviour of the communist dictatorships to which according to our belief every Central-Eastern European democratic community had said no once and for all.

The Reformed Church in Hungary hereby expresses its solidarity and fraternal communion with the Reformed Brothers and Sisters in Transylvanian who due to an unfounded and irresponsible court decision, are defenceless and together with all Romanian religious denominations face threatening situation created by the precedence.

Our Church will do everything in its own ability to draw the attention of international churches and secular organisations on the situation of the Székely Mikó High School in Sepsiszentgyörgy and the serious problems regarding the restitution of church properties that were confiscated during the Communist Dictatorship. We therefore call upon the Christian brothers and sisters from the Carpathian Basin and from all over the world in order to unite together in prayer to God, that finally the foundation of our lives may be justice and peace. It is our conviction that this common desire binds us together; Hungarians, Romanians and all the people of the region.

3rd December 2014

Budapest, Hungary