2025 will be the year of youth ministry. Rev. Áron Ablonczy, head of the Youth Office and his colleague, Luca Oláh, religion teacher explained the main goals, program highlights and prioritized topics during the year.
In 2024, the Reformed Church in Hungary faced unprecedented trials and challenges. This year, in the hope of resuming its ministry on the path of re-building and growth, RCH will launch a public communication campaign to demonstrate the spiritual ministry and social service Reformed church members have been offering in the country and beyond.
Under the theme “Europe Protecting People More than Borders,” CCME brought together over 60 representatives from member churches, ecumenical partners, and experts to reflect on CCME's legacy and chart a course for the future of asylum policy in Europe.
"The most joyful Christmas and New Year's programme is to trust in the Lord - as Hezekiah did - and to act according to His love. This is the most perfect "strategy" ready for us! Christmas Message of Bishop József Steinbach, President of the Synod of RCH.
On November 7 and 8, Eurodiaconia, in cooperation with the Reformed Church in Hungary (RCH), hosted a Roma Inclusion Network Meeting in Budapest. The meeting was open to partners across Europe working in Diaconia within the network or part of a member organisation of Eurodiaconia.
On 13 April, the Reformed Church of Káposztámegyer, Budapest, and its surroundings bustled with community life early in the morning. Roma and non-Roma people from all over the country came for the tenth edition of the prayer day. All had come for an exceptional opportunity to give themselves freely to the Word of God, the joy of encounter and their often challenging identity, the Roma culture.
The Diaconia of the Reformed Church in Hungary has become the country's largest afterschool operator after the Directorate-General for Social Inclusion deemed the operation of fourteen Reformed afterschools worthy of support for the next three-year period. The afterschools, which serve local children from typically difficult circumstances, include some that have been in operation for nearly a decade, but two newcomers will start operating in 2024.
Under the theme “Europe Protecting People More than Borders,” CCME brought together over 60 representatives from member churches, ecumenical partners, and experts to reflect on CCME's legacy and chart a course for the future of asylum policy in Europe.
The Refugee Ministry of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid wrapped up a busy year full of events and activities fostering fellowship within the refugee community. Global Ministries, an international partner of the Reformed Church in Hungary, featured in its winter newsletter a summary of community events in 2023 and upcoming events in 2024.
The Refugee Ministry held a workshop in Budapest on the experience of its international humanitarian programmes and the opportunities for applications now being announced for the third time.
From November 25th to the 27th, HEKS/EPER hosted a Church Cooperation Consultation in Budapest in cooperation with the Reformed Church in Hungary (RCH). The consultation brought together various church partners from ten countries to discuss the variety and nuance of church missions across diverse contexts.
Church leaders in Hungary prayed for persecuted Christians in a joint service at the opening of the Ecumenical Week of Prayer in St Stephen's Basilica. At the event, Reformed Bishop József Steinbach stressed that Christ himself became the Good Samaritan, and on the cross, he "went to the very end for us" to show his boundless love.
Lieutenant Colonel Szilárd Sajtos, a Reformed military chaplain, has visited the Middle East several times as a member of various military missions. In a recently published study on Eastern Christianity, he explained that the survival of the church in the region has been in serious danger due to massive emigration.
If we celebrate Christ, it is worth looking behind the way we do it: what we really do to glorify Him and what we do to contradict His teaching. Is a Christmas pleasing to God when we overspend, when we overextend ourselves, when we place a burden on the created world that it cannot bear?
He loves sports, gardening, art, but most of all, life. From a young age, he trained to be a minister, and after thirty-five years as a minister and sixteen years as a bishop, he was planning to retire. But the Lord had a new chapter in store for him: Bishop József Steinbach of the Transdanubian Reformed Church District was elected as ministerial president by the Synod of the Reformed Church in Hungary at its spring session.
“Reserves are dwindling both spiritually and physically; women left at home are facing more and more tasks, families are torn apart, and peace is still a long way off,” - this is how the Reformed people of Transcarpathia sum up their current situation.
Rev. Dr. Setri Nyomi, general secretary of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), met with Rev. Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay, general secretary of the …
Training on security awareness and crisis management in Europe was carried out for CEC Member Churches in Slovakia and France. The sessions were part of …
A hybrid conference held on 10 March in Madrid, organised by the Conference of European Churches featured training on security awareness and crisis management in …
The World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations Office and other international organizations …