RCH hosted a delegation from member churches of the Protestant Church in Switzerland and HEKS Swiss Church Aid from March 13 to March 14. The representatives visited with various departments and missions of the Reformed Church in Hungary and the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid to gain greater insight into the church's activities and mission in Hungary.
The war between Ukraine and Russia has continued for three years now. Throughout this time, more than five million people have been forced to leave their homes. Interview with the young man who was seventeen when he fled his family nest in Transcarpathia.
Under the theme “Europe Protecting People More than Borders,” CCME brought together over 60 representatives from member churches, ecumenical partners, and experts to reflect on CCME's legacy and chart a course for the future of asylum policy in Europe.
The Refugee Ministry of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid wrapped up a busy year full of events and activities fostering fellowship within the refugee community. Global Ministries, an international partner of the Reformed Church in Hungary, featured in its winter newsletter a summary of community events in 2023 and upcoming events in 2024.
The Refugee Ministry held a workshop in Budapest on the experience of its international humanitarian programmes and the opportunities for applications now being announced for the third time.
The Refugee Ministry of HRCA recently hosted two community events to bring its clients together for Christmas. The events were open to clients of the Refugee Ministry and featured various activities, from building gingerbread houses to crafting decorations.
The Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) hosted its General Assembly in Rome this year. RCH was represented by László Zságer, head of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid’s (HRCA) Refugee Ministry, and Angela Canadey, project coordinator of the Refugee Ministry.
The Refugee Ministry is a division of the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid (HRCA), assisting refugees with integration through various programs and services. Different divisions of the Refugee Ministry summarized their recent activities and accomplishments in these brief snapshots.
In June, clients at the Refugee Ministry organized a community picnic at the city park. Angela Canadey, the Swiss Church Aid (HEKS) Coordinator and Project Assistant for the Refugee Ministry’s Base Integration Program, briefly summarized the lively event.
Annamaria Apelt finished high school in 2019 and shortly after that she found herself in Budapest, as part of her social voluntary year. She volunteered with the Refugee Ministry of RCH, supporting the daily operation of RCH's implementing partner, the Kalunba Social Services Non-Profit.
At 23 years old Angela Canadey is serving as a coordinator for Kalunba Social Services, and member of the Churches' Commission for Migrants of Europe (CCME). Originally from Pakistan, her family fled to Hungary because of the threat their Christian faith posed to their livelihood there.
Pakistani and Hungarian, but above all: Christian. This is how Angela Canadey, coordinator of the Refugee Ministry of RCH - who arrived in Hungary as a refugee with her family - speaks about herself.
RCH signed the Chuch Cooperation agreement for another 4-year project period with HEKS. The project continues the service to refugee populations and to the Roma communities.
The job is done well when refugee students are constantly starting classes and leaving. If the teaching is good, the acknowledgment is appreciated by the teacher. Inteview with Ákos Urbán, teacher at the Refugee Ministry.
Parviz Khyber former client and than colleague of the Refugee Ministry and its implementing partner, the Kalunba Non-Profit was accepted to the expert group of the European Commission on the views of migrants on asylum and integration.
Eszter Kállay, a teacher at Kalunba Social Servies Ltd. shared her thoughts and experiences teaching disadvantaged children as well as the plans for the future, when face-to-face interaction will be possible again.
The Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) at its general assembly on 16th October elected RCH’s nominee, Ms Angela Canadey, as substitute member of the new Executive Committee. Dóra Kanizsai, head of RCH’s Refugee Ministry retired as Vice-Moderator.
Kalunba Non-Profit, the implementing partner of RCH’s Refugee Ministry offered unforgettable days at the lake Balaton for children preparing them for the start of the school year. Personal impressions of the community program for Refugee families.
RCH hosted a video conference with HEKS representatives to review the outgoing period of Church Cooperation and to plan the new Country Program focusing on social change in terms of integration of Roma and Refugees.
HRCA and the Reformed Mission Center continue accompanying Asylum seekers and offer them spiritual and social support even after Gov decision to close Transit Zones in Hungary. Interview with Rev. Ágoston Dobos.