Mission to the People
Mission is a priority task in the life of the RCH. Through active mission, our church reaches out to every needy group in Hungarian society.
Tovább a cikkhezMission is a priority task in the life of the RCH. Through active mission, our church reaches out to every needy group in Hungarian society.
Tovább a cikkhezThe diaconal service aims to reach people in need and motivate Reformed congregations to "Carry each other's burdens." (Gal. 6:2)
Tovább a cikkhezThe RCH fulfills its mission through maintaining certain institutions that serve not only their local communities, but people nationwide.
Tovább a cikkhezSt. Columba's Church of Scotland in Budapest is an ecumenical, international congregation that gathers for English-speaking worship in the Presbyterian/Reformed tradition every Sunday at 11:00 a.m.
Tovább a cikkhezGottesdienste finden in der Deutschsprachigen Reformierten Gemeinde sonntags und an kirchlichen Feiertagen um 10 Uhr statt. Die Gottesdienste und die Kindergottesdienste werden auf Ungarisch und Deutsch abgehalten. Danach gibt es ein kleines informelles Treffen mit Kaffee (Kirchenkaffee).
Tovább a cikkhezSince 2012 the Reformed Church in Hungary has a Korean speaking ministry, supervised by the Presbyterian Church in Korea (PCK), recognized as a mission congregation by the Synod of the Reformed Church in Hungary.
Tovább a cikkhez