After seven years of observing the International Roma Day on April 4 as a festive gathering and a day of joint prayer of Roma and non-Roma alike, RCH’s Roma Ministry invited congregation to a virtual pilgrimage of prayer and praise.
Both sides are needed in Roma Ministry to break down barriers, concluded the three-day international conference, organized by Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) in Budapest, in cooperation with the Reformed Church in Hungary.
CCME Cooomunique about the Conference ‘Justice for Roma and Sinti: a challenge for churches’ that took place in the Synod Hall of RCH co-hosted by CCME and RCH.
"We cannot cross out the Gospel passages in which Jesus tells us to include the excluded." Interview with Kinga Lakatos about the significance of community development in Roma Ministry on the occasion of a continued training for pastors actively serving among Gypsies.
Under the Motto „Create in me a pure heart, O God” the reformed Great Church in Debrecen hosted the 5th annual Protestant Roma Mission Conference with over 1500 participants.
Under the title “Justice for Roma and Sinti – a challenge for churches” Churches´ Commission for Migrants in Europe will organize in cooperation with the Reformed Church in Hungary a conference to be held 9 – 11 March 2020 in Budapest.
The corridors of the primary school in Göncruszka are covered in lights. The teachers and children are preparing for Christmas together. An interview with Levente Sohajda.
Csaba Burai went through hell so that, a decade later, he can help young people. The social worker and case manager of the Drug Rehabilitation Ministry speaks of his life journey.
People can only reach their goals through the Gospel, says in an interview Anita Tóth who has been serving as the National Roma Mission Coordinator of RCH since September 2018.
It was 75 years ago, on the night between 2 and 3 August, 1944 that Nazi Germany closed down the Gypsy camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau, exterminating some three thousand Roma men, women and children – since 1972, this day has been the International Roma Holocaust Memorial Day. A physical theatre performance was created in the spring that deals with the tragedy of the Roma Holocaust
In light of International Romani Day, Reformed Roma communities in the Carpathian Basin gathered to worship and pray for one another. This year, reconciliation is the focus of the event.
A seminar on reconciliation took place in the beautiful mountains of Mátraháza, Hungary. The aim of the workshop was to facilitate reconciliation within the Hungarian context.
The heads and mentors of the institutions participating in the joint program of the Reformed Church in Hungary (RCH) and Swiss Church Aid (HEKS) met for the first time on January 10-11, 2019. The main goal of the two-day workshop was for the pilot institutions to get to know one another, and to share good practices.
In Rwanda, reconciliation work has helped to heal the wounds of those who had been affected during the Genocide in 1994. After participating in various reconciliation workshops, the RCH Roma Mission has adopted the work of Dr. Rhiannon Lloyd to help reconciliation between Roma and non-Roma people in Hungary.
Over the past three and a half years, Ágnes Nyeső has become the face of the National Roma Ministry of RCH as its mission coordinator, but now she takes on a new role as school chaplain at three institutions.
Colleagues of the Reformed Church in Hungary’s Roma Mission and HEKS-RCH joint project organized a workshop on the Inclusive Reformed Primary Schools at the Synod Office.
In the primary school of Véménd, there are two groups of mostly Roma children, supported by HEKS (Swiss Interchurch Aid) for more than a year, where there has been an exemplary gifted children’s program.
Special Meeting of the Christian Roma Collegium Network took place at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on the 20th of January, where former and current students of the RCH's instituions were present as well.